
Narration News!

We are pleased and very exited to announce the agreement with award winning narrators Michael Kramer and Dawn Ursula to perform the narration for the Atlantis series. The works these talented people have done is far too numerous to list, but can be easily found and heard throughout the literary, stage and theatrical worlds.

New Release Date

Due to project up-sizing as well as personnel and schedule entanglements, the release of Atlantis: the Stones has been set back to July of 2024. Although this may seem disappointing, the results will be well worth the delay.


We are pleased to announce that work has begun on the screenplay for Atlantis: the Stones!

Leaning on the knowledge and wisdom gleaned from the brilliant mind of Arron Sorkin, the screenplay for Atlantis: the Stones is underway.

Being in it’s infancy, it may take some time to bring this project to fruition. Being part one of the trilogy, this screenplay could be our gateway to the next two in the Atlantis series.

Atlantis: Titanic


As a warm up to the trilogy, I have written a novella to introduce the concept and factions for the Atlantis series. This book should be ready soon and will be a free gift for all.

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